

Kick-off ceremony for the Greater Bay Area Homeland Youth Community Foundation

The Greater Bay Area Homeland Development Fund (‘Development Fund’) and the Greater Bay Area Homeland Youth Community Foundation (‘Youth Fund’) were officially launched at a kick-off ceremony held at HKEX’s Connect Hall on 12 December 2018.

Guests attending the kick-off ceremony included Mrs Carrie Lam, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong SAR, Ms Qiu Hong and Mr Chen Dong, Deputy Directors of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong SAR, Mr Xie Feng, Commissioner of the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Hong Kong SAR, and representatives from the supporting organisations of the Funds.

The Greater Bay Area Homeland Youth Community Foundation was initiated by the Greater Bay Area Homeland Development Fund and young leaders, taking ‘For Our Youth, For Our Future’ as its mission. The aim of the Foundation is to promote exchanges among young people in the Greater Bay Area, help them tackle real-life challenges in their studies and careers, and encourage them to set up their own businesses.

Mr Daryl Ng, Chairman of the Greater Bay Area Homeland Youth Community Foundation, said, “Young people have dreams, young people have passion. When there is an appropriate platform and opportunity, the sky is the limit. With our vision of ‘For Our Youth, For Our Future’, the Youth Fund will focus on promoting career development for young people, building platforms and ladders for them, and creating a conducive environment to help them realise their dreams. Young people are the main force in the development of the Greater Bay Area, so I hope that everyone can seize the opportunity, broaden their horizons, improve their competitive edge, and create a better future.”