

Hong Kong Youth Animator Development Project

To encourage young people to pursue their dream of being animators, our Foundation sponsored the “Hong Kong Youth Animator Development Project”, a one-year programme run by Act Plus Education Foundation. In the hope of helping young people to develop professional skills, the course content includes professional skills training such as computer animation production techniques, digital model design, art design and visual art related skills. Besides, the course emphasises on whole person development of students, offering guidance from life mentors. It also provides employment support services, counselling services and job referrals.

The project commenced in April last year, students’ enthusiasm towards computer animation overcome numerous difficulties and challenges brought by the epidemic, including moving to online learning, having to use mobile phone for online classes since they have no computer at home and spending four hours in traffic for school.

With all the efforts over the past year, the ceremony was held on July 11 at the YO PLACE of the Foundation. 26 students aged 15-24 completed the programme with excellent performance, acquired animation knowledges from the programme as well as made animations that are comparable to tertiary students. They even broke through the boundaries in their lives, turning from the one with no goals and are indifferent to the things around them to active and lively persons. Our Foundation hopes the students can leverage on what they have learned to express their creativity and potentials so as to explore future possibilities not just in Hong Kong, but also in the Greater Bay Area.

For the press release of “Hong Kong Youth Animator Development Project”