

SHKP Sports for Charity Carnival 2019

The SHKP Sports for Charity Carnival 2019 was held at Hong Kong Velodrome Park on 12 October 2019, with the support of Mr Chen Lin, Director of Youth Work of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government, and Mr Yeung Tak-keung, Commissioner for Sports of the Home Affairs Bureau.

By sponsoring this event, we hope young athletes are inspired to help people while developing their abilities in sports. The organiser of the Carnival also invited top athletes to share their experiences in a series of talks. They included world champion cyclist Mr Wong Kam-po and Hong Kong long distance running star Mr Chan Ka-ho.

 The Carnival comprised 16 types of sports activities, including a virtual world cycling competition, vertical running experience and riding challenge booth. Over 1,000 people, including 200 families with children and teenagers from different charities, took part in the event.